Sunday, November 30, 2008

1 Year Later

So Nov 30th is the 1 year anniversary of my diagnosis with TC. I have to be happy with how things have gone. I am still cancer free and hoping to only visit Sloan Kettering once and a while for follow-ups.

Bad news that came the the week, my aunt has cancer. She is off to see an oncologist on Monday to see if there is any chemo or radiation even for some short term improvement in well being...Prayers with her.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Three Ways to Give This Holiday Season

What a year it's been. With your help, we've accomplished a lot in 2008. We got both presidential candidates on the record about their plans to fight cancer. We raised awareness through LIVESTRONG Day events in cities across the country. And we united thousands of people through the LIVESTRONG Challenge.
In 2009, we have even more great things in store. We'll promote the LIVESTRONG Global Cancer Initiative, Lance will raise cancer awareness globally by participating in several cycling races around the world and we will continue to stand up for the 20 million people around the globe who have been diagnosed with cancer.
Please watch this video and consider giving to the LAF in one of three ways this holiday season:
Give a donation
Buy LIVESTRONG merchandise
Forward this video to your family and friends.
We need your help more than ever. Unite and fight cancer with us this holiday season.
Doug UlmanPresident/CEO, Lance Armstrong Foundation

Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Everyone have a great turkeyday!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

skipping Doc visits

I must be feeling better as I can't stand to go to the factory that is MSK...I'll go back after December...I have had so many x-rays/CT scans I think I'm starting to glow...

Monday, November 3, 2008

CT scans ---ALL CLEAR

Last week I got the results of the latest CT Scans...All clear! The lymph nodes in my lungs and admen that are enlarged have not grown. The glassy marks in the lungs are gone..

That and the continued news of the tumor markers in normal ranges makes it look like all is well...

I'll start only going to Sloan Kettering once every few months soon. As those doctors love to keep testing you...I feel the worst is all behind and now I am going to pretty much put the cancer behind me!! Great feeling..

Thanks to all my family and friends for their prayers and thoughts.