Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008

Aunt Mary

Sad news as my aunt Mary ha been diagnosed with cancer. Hers is far more advanced and it is beating her body hard. I pray she has a good Christmas with her children...

Sunday, November 30, 2008

1 Year Later

So Nov 30th is the 1 year anniversary of my diagnosis with TC. I have to be happy with how things have gone. I am still cancer free and hoping to only visit Sloan Kettering once and a while for follow-ups.

Bad news that came the the week, my aunt has cancer. She is off to see an oncologist on Monday to see if there is any chemo or radiation even for some short term improvement in well being...Prayers with her.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Three Ways to Give This Holiday Season

What a year it's been. With your help, we've accomplished a lot in 2008. We got both presidential candidates on the record about their plans to fight cancer. We raised awareness through LIVESTRONG Day events in cities across the country. And we united thousands of people through the LIVESTRONG Challenge.
In 2009, we have even more great things in store. We'll promote the LIVESTRONG Global Cancer Initiative, Lance will raise cancer awareness globally by participating in several cycling races around the world and we will continue to stand up for the 20 million people around the globe who have been diagnosed with cancer.
Please watch this video and consider giving to the LAF in one of three ways this holiday season:
Give a donation
Buy LIVESTRONG merchandise
Forward this video to your family and friends.
We need your help more than ever. Unite and fight cancer with us this holiday season.
Doug UlmanPresident/CEO, Lance Armstrong Foundation

Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Everyone have a great turkeyday!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

skipping Doc visits

I must be feeling better as I can't stand to go to the factory that is MSK...I'll go back after December...I have had so many x-rays/CT scans I think I'm starting to glow...

Monday, November 3, 2008

CT scans ---ALL CLEAR

Last week I got the results of the latest CT Scans...All clear! The lymph nodes in my lungs and admen that are enlarged have not grown. The glassy marks in the lungs are gone..

That and the continued news of the tumor markers in normal ranges makes it look like all is well...

I'll start only going to Sloan Kettering once every few months soon. As those doctors love to keep testing you...I feel the worst is all behind and now I am going to pretty much put the cancer behind me!! Great feeling..

Thanks to all my family and friends for their prayers and thoughts.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hard to believe it's been 7 years

Never Forget…God bless our friends and neighbours lost on 9/11

Sunday, September 7, 2008

going well

x-rays in Aug were clear; blood markers in "normal " range. So hopefully thr ct scan brfore was nothing....xrays again in Sept ; then ct scan in Oct...that should show all clear for now!!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Pictures of the boys

So whenever your feeling like life is kicking you in the balls (er, ball) I can look at the boys to make myself feel better!!

XRAYS on Tues

So X-rays on Tuesday coming up , then the results on Thursday. Hopefully the mysterious spots etc on the lungs will be gone and we can focus on other stuff!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

All is well...hopefully

Last week I found out that the CT scan showed a "spot on my lung". Doctor at MSK said it was probably a cold or pneumonia. Since I was not sick, not the best answer...They checked my breathing, all clear...so they are not overly worried. Xray next month will tell if something is still there...

Nice that a lot of people care and are always praying...that is why there will be nothing there next month...

The only thing that worries me is that TC moves to lungs and then brain...they keep telling me that is the area they look at and now something shows up..

Friday, July 11, 2008

CT Scan

another month,,,another CAT Scan...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

updates good

So I continue to visit MSK in New York every month. They call it aggressive monitoring (kind of a pain, but if anything shows up they will know right away).

I am getting multiple blood tests and X-Rays every month; every third month I'll also get a CT Scan (love them, UGH)!

The good news is the tumor markers are down, and in normal ranges. All the tests, X-Rays etc say there are no new tumors (Great news). Still have a few side effects from things, but not life threatening and vs the possibility of more surgery or Chemo it's no big deal.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Forward to a Friend Donate LIVESTRONG.ORG LIVESTRONGBlog.ORG

I'm coming to you

Dear Peter:

Read Lance's op-ed piece

Every good fight needs a good team, and the fight to make cancer a national priority is no exception. That's why I will join more than 500 organizers and the entire LAF staff to make our voices heard on LIVESTRONG Day – May 13, 2008.
As part of the team, I will travel from coast to coast to attend four LIVESTRONG Day events in New York, Ohio, Nevada and a yet-to-be-determined location, the winner of the LIVESTRONG at School contest. As I cross the country, I look forward to uniting with you to spread the critical message that the leading killer of Americans under 85 deserves some attention.
Through 500+ community events on LIVESTRONG Day, we will demonstrate that we are united to fight cancer.
If we work together, there's nothing we can't accomplish. Join me on LIVESTRONG Day. Do your part and register an event today. Large or small, every LIVESTRONG Day event can help make a difference.
P.S. – Please pass this message along to others who might be interested.

Friday, March 7, 2008


More good news, I guess you know you are doing well when the main(top) doctor does not even come in to talk to you during your monthly monitoring appointments. Keep them coming!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

the following is from the Livestrong blog on Livestrong.org

Ms. Angelo’s 4th Grade Class
February 18th, 2008 by Brooke McMillan (LAF Staff)
I have the distinct pleasure of talking to cancer survivors and Lance Armstrong Foundation supporters on a daily basis, but I got a really special call from a woman named Deb that I wanted to share. She was asked to speak to Ms. Angelo’s 4th grade class about her fight with cancer. Ms. Angelo was teaching a special unit on cancer survivors! Way to go Ms. Angelo! Each student was asked to bring in a picture of a cancer survivor before, during and after treatment and then interview him/her about what it was like. Deb had never shared her story in this manner before, but was up to the task. The LAF sent underwritten youth-sized wristbands to hand out to the class and I sent a letter thanking Ms Angelo for teaching her kids about survivorship. So, I just wanted to thank Ms. Angelo again publically for teaching this special unit, her kids for participating and Deb for sharing her experiences with others. Way to go!
If you have a kid K-12 in your life and would like to have him/her learn about cancer, cancer prevention and survivorship, take a look at our new school curriculum for teachers called LIVESTRONG at School. Go to www.livestrong.org/school for lesson plans, downloadable worksheets and conversation starters. This would be a great way for schools to participate in LIVESTRONG Day!
Ms. Angelo’s 4th Grade Spring Hope Elementary School in Spring Hope, N.C.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

So you are feeling better

I was all excited to start working out again, and even (maybe) staying with it for a while. However, guess what?

Hint: It's February Vacation week

Answer: Kids off of school, so WE all must get sick!!!

The lovely flu......

Someone please tell me why kids always get sick on vacation!!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

More Good News

Another good appt at MSK on Thursday. The X-rays of the chest are clear and tumor markers are all in normal ranges...All good news.

I asked about chemo and they said that the operation would be the first plan of action if we were to do anything (with the one lyph node enlarged). They want to stay on "aggressive monitering". So hopefully some normalcy back in our lives.

In three weeks back for more x-rays and blood tests and then another CT Scan in April to see if the lymph nodes have changed at all.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

To Chemo or not to Chemo

So now everyone (well a lot of people) are jumping up and down while asking why I have not at least had Chemo yet?!

I was feeling like the "just wait" plan was the best way to go. Well, now people from Boston to New York are all saying I should be pushing to have chemo...like I want to push to get sick and lose hair...

WHAT TO DO??????

Friday, January 11, 2008

Thanks for the thoughts

Thanks to everyone for the good thoughts and prayers....it seems they are working...we are in observation mode now...good news I hope...

Off to see the surgeon today; hopefully all is well there and I can start to get back to "normal"...i guess that means wife won't be carrying the trash out every week anymore.. :(

So, just when I started feeling better about the diagnosis I look at the calendar and I'm almost 40. UGH!!!!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Good news?!!

Met with doc at MSK yesterday, he said the CT scan looked good. One lymph node is enlarged. So with my tumor markers going down he wants to wait and watch...

I am happy to watch for a while...going to keep getting blood tested and x-rays again in a few weeks..But, for now it looks good...

Now if I can just get to feeling 100%

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

Be great in '08 !

CT Scans suck..probably the worst tasting drink ever....

Check Spelling