Wednesday, February 20, 2008

the following is from the Livestrong blog on

Ms. Angelo’s 4th Grade Class
February 18th, 2008 by Brooke McMillan (LAF Staff)
I have the distinct pleasure of talking to cancer survivors and Lance Armstrong Foundation supporters on a daily basis, but I got a really special call from a woman named Deb that I wanted to share. She was asked to speak to Ms. Angelo’s 4th grade class about her fight with cancer. Ms. Angelo was teaching a special unit on cancer survivors! Way to go Ms. Angelo! Each student was asked to bring in a picture of a cancer survivor before, during and after treatment and then interview him/her about what it was like. Deb had never shared her story in this manner before, but was up to the task. The LAF sent underwritten youth-sized wristbands to hand out to the class and I sent a letter thanking Ms Angelo for teaching her kids about survivorship. So, I just wanted to thank Ms. Angelo again publically for teaching this special unit, her kids for participating and Deb for sharing her experiences with others. Way to go!
If you have a kid K-12 in your life and would like to have him/her learn about cancer, cancer prevention and survivorship, take a look at our new school curriculum for teachers called LIVESTRONG at School. Go to for lesson plans, downloadable worksheets and conversation starters. This would be a great way for schools to participate in LIVESTRONG Day!
Ms. Angelo’s 4th Grade Spring Hope Elementary School in Spring Hope, N.C.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

So you are feeling better

I was all excited to start working out again, and even (maybe) staying with it for a while. However, guess what?

Hint: It's February Vacation week

Answer: Kids off of school, so WE all must get sick!!!

The lovely flu......

Someone please tell me why kids always get sick on vacation!!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

More Good News

Another good appt at MSK on Thursday. The X-rays of the chest are clear and tumor markers are all in normal ranges...All good news.

I asked about chemo and they said that the operation would be the first plan of action if we were to do anything (with the one lyph node enlarged). They want to stay on "aggressive monitering". So hopefully some normalcy back in our lives.

In three weeks back for more x-rays and blood tests and then another CT Scan in April to see if the lymph nodes have changed at all.